Icon Handling

The blökkli starterkit comes with two different ways of handling icons. Some icons are only used in the frontend. These icons are handled by the Nuxt SVG Icon Sprite module.

Other icons are uploaded by the editors in the Drupal backend. These icons are handled by Drupal module Media Icon Deliver. The module provides an endpoint to fetch the SVG icons from the Drupal backend.

1. Nuxt SVG Icon Sprite

The module provides an easy and performant way to use SVG icons in your Nuxt 3 app. It automatically creates SVG sprites during build and provides components and composables to use symbols.

  • Aggregate all SVG files into a one or more sprite files
  • Reduce bundle size and SSR rendered page size
  • Full HMR support
  • Provides <SpriteSymbol> component to render <svg> with <use>
  • Loads the sprite.svg from URL (/_nuxt/sprite.svg)
  • Typescript type checking for available symbols


Place the icons in the folder defined in nuxt.config.ts, by default it's ./assets/icons. The name of the SVG files is used to determine the symbol name. If you have a file in ./assets/icons/user.svg the sprite will contain a <symbol> with id user.

You can now use the symbol using the provided component:

<SpriteSymbol name="user" />

This will render the following markup:

  <use xlink:href="/_nuxt/sprite.svg#user"></use>

2. Drupal Media Icons

The module Media Icon Deliver is already installed in the starterkit. The starterkit has a Media type called "Icon" that allows editors to upload SVG icons. The frontend provided a server api to fetch the icons from the Drupal backend via media_entity_id (mid).

The frontend also provides a component called MediaIcon that fetches the icons via sprite from the Drupal backend and renders it.