Image Handling
All image handling, processing and optimization in the blökkli starterkit are done by You can create a free account and set up a new organization.
You choose an organisation name and an API key will be sent by mail. No credit card is required.
Although it is not required to use, it is highly recommended to use it for image handling. It will make your life easier and your images faster.
What is
Rokka is a cloud-based image processing service. It allows you to upload images, create stacks and process images on the fly. The concept of stacks is very similar to the image styles in Drupal.
We already have preinstalled the rokka Drupal module in the starterkit. All images uploaded in the Drupal backend will be automatically uploaded to and processed. All image styles created in Drupal will automatically be recreated as stacks on
How do we sync the image styles of Drupal into the frontend?
We don't.
Frontend developers want to be independent of the Drupal backend. Therefore, we have created a nuxt module
that allows you to define your image style using a composable defineImageStyle
in the code, usually in
the <script setup lang=ts>
section of your components.
The automated setup script created two dynamic image stacks in your account already. If you missed this step,
you can later tho this using the script under scripts/rokka/
Example of a responsive image style
<script setup lang="ts">
import type { MediaImageFragment } from '#graphql-operations'
media?: MediaImageFragment
const largeImage = defineImageStyle({
type: 'sizes',
sizes: {
xs: 728,
sm: 1000,
md: 500,
lg: 600,
More information how to use the Nuxt Rokka module can be found on the module documentation page.